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3 Defining Signs of Fake Gold Nuggets: A Prospector’s Guide

If you are interested in investing in natural gold nuggets, you must ensure their legitimacy. Unfortunately, falling for fake gold, also known as fool’s gold, and other deceptively enticing offers are common in the precious metals industry. Due to this, you must have the basic skill sets of knowing how to identify the false ones, allowing you to put your money into bankable opportunities.

This article will discuss three distinguishing characteristics of false gold nuggets. Take this as a starting point to being well-versed in gold buying and selling. As you hone your skills, you can end up more financially secure, connected with different investment ventures, and have enough to spend on your needs and interests.

  1. Lightweight and erroneous weight measurements

Most beginner luxury goods buyers often fall for gold specimen’s weight because of their lack of firsthand experience with real nuggets. For instance, they are not aware that its density is 19.3 grams per cubic meter. It should be that much heavier than its equivalent water volume. Fortunately, if you have an accurate weighing scale, it’s much easier to determine a real gold nugget from a fake one!

Another weight-related factor to consider is the unit of measurement used. Gold is typically weighed in either troy ounces or grams. So if the seller uses other measuring units, it’s best to decline their offers and future transactions with them.

You should also look for gold buyers and sellers willing to supply accurate measurements by utilising the right scale. By the end of it, you can have authentic nuggets ready for sale and enough money to sustain your investment efforts!

  1. Visual imperfection when put under light

What you have to watch out for when browsing through various gold specimens is their visual appearance. It’s easy to get duped by iron pyrite, bismutite, and chalcopyrite—all common varieties of fake gold. However, when you are given a chance to see them in person, all you have to do is see them under the light. It will reveal the nugget’s imperfections.

Real gold nuggets must be uniform in visual appearance. You can easily spot them when using the light. You can also determine it by simply looking at it, depending on your experience. So before making any payment arrangements, it’s important to always have a pre-screening process to vouch for the gold nugget’s authenticity. Alternatively, you can also identify with a trustworthy merchant, letting you buy and sell with no issues.

  1. Easily falls apart when hammered with a nail

If you want to go a bit extreme with your gold nugget testing, you may have the chance to use a hammer and nail. These are the tools you can utilise to try and break the specimen, allowing you to see if it stays intact. If it does, it’s definitely a natural gold nugget. If it crumbles, you have a scam on your hands, and you can also question the seller’s status as a business.

In principle, it’s far better for testing to ever have to come to this point. That is because It speaks to the amount of distrust you have for your seller. As such, you should determine their status, reviews with previous clients, and other reputation-related factors. This way, you can avoid getting your hands on fraudulent deals and stick to making fair deals, whether you want to buy or sell.


Gold is not something you should take lightly, especially if you want to invest in them. Fortunately, you now have a better understanding of what makes gold nuggets fake. You just have to put your knowledge to the test by making your next buy or sell. Look for natural gold nuggets today!

Are you looking for high-quality Australian gold nuggets? Check out our wide collection at The Gold Nugget Shop. Our team has over 20 years trading high-quality precious metal, offering you reliable customer services and unique gold specimens for your next smart investment. Make your sell or purchase with us to ensure you get legitimate rewards, not fake imitations!